In exactly less than one month I will be migrating North. For about 4 years.
You see, I'm going to Loyola University Chicago in the fall to begin graduate school and get my Master's Degree in Sociology, after which I plan to get my Doctorate. If I don't pull all my hair out by then. (I doubt I'll actually go bald, but it might be close.) The area I plan to study is Race.
Oh boy, is that a hot topic.
It's mostly hot because people don't like talking about race, and most people who do like talking about it do so in a misguided way. This is most often the result of a lack of information, even though there is plenty of information available. I plan to use my degree to teach others about this topic, and make sure that they know where to access the information about the issue and how to share that with others.
I have a mentor who believes that education cannot "fix" the race issue. The solution is far more complicated. And while I agree with the solution he proposes, I have to at least believe that education can help others to be open to even acknowledging the problem. I have to believe that helping them to be open might cause them to be willing to talk about how to handle the problem, and I have to believe that believing all this does not, in fact, make me an idiot.
But it might.
I'm off to Chicago-- in exactly less than one month-- to find out!
That's so soon! I really need to come visit you in Chicago since somehow I managed to never make it to Norman...