Today was not really a special day. There wasn't a special date or event or task that needed to be dealt with. But today was awesome.
Today I got to drive out to the airport (about a 10 minute drive) and meet Eric for lunch. We went to the OG (Olive Garden) and ate unhealthy food. Oh my was it delicious. Afterward we headed to Borders so I could buy The Help before the movie comes out. Once I got my book we went back to the airport so Eric could get back to totin' that barge. Overall our time together was about an hour and a half.
We didn't necessarily do anything special, but as I was driving home, I couldn't wipe the smile from my face.
I am a big believer in everyday love; grand gestures have their place and they're important, too, but grand gestures don't make a relationship. The way you live your life every day makes a relationship. As someone who has had plenty of failures in this department, it's really exciting for me to be able to say that after almost a year, I feel like I'm finally in a healthy, happy, productive, and perpetual relationship. By that I mean that I can be myself-- all high maintenance, and lovey, and independent, stubborn, lazy, overly-cutesy-- and he can be himself-- all handsome, and affectionate, and quiet, and goofy, and pilot-y-- and it works. Our relationship seems to build on itself. When we are doing well, we do even better. When we are not giving our relationship the time and effort it needs, we start to really notice. And we've gotten good at avoiding that issue.
I never would have thought that something little like driving by his job for a kiss before I go to work (not even getting out of the car, but through the window like at a fast food joint) would matter so much and make such a difference. I never thought I would care. But I love our little "things". I love feeling like I can be myself. I love not being dependent on someone, but rather existing with someone.
That's all I've got for today!
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