Sunday, February 5, 2012

Pajamas and Pinterest

I am in love with an airline pilot.

That being said, I spend a lot of time hanging out alone, which is fine with me because I tend to be a huge homebody. Don't get me wrong, I still get dressed and bathe regularly and I have my friends, but I'm perfectly content to hang out at home for 3 days straight. My point is this: once all the reading, the writing and the research is done (the 3 "r"s of higher education!) I have a bit of time on my hands.

Enter: timesuck Pinterest

This website has changed my life. Not in a Celine Dion kind of way-- who! by the way, you can look up and pin on Pinterest! But it has provided me with yet another creative outlet. I have my old lady magazines, my old lady hobbies, and my new interest in cooking, and these things keep me going most of the time. But there's something about having a living, breathing community to share ideas with that is new and exciting. On Pinterest, I can follow my friends and get to know their creative sides. A lot of these friends are people that I wouldn't normally discuss crafts/hobbies/recipes, etc. with because I don't really know what they're into. But now I have an idea and a ready conversation topic. It's pretty cool.

It's also incredibly fun to search for new recipes to try here at home, and to pin ideas and crafts for events like birthdays, baby showers, and weddings, things which usually rise in frequency in one's mid-20s. There are ideas for gardening, ideas for home decoration, and ideas for clothing and apparel that are not only cute, but are sometimes invented and displayed by other normal, everyday people, rather than magazine models. That element of reality is so much more inspiring because I feel that all the cool ideas I see are not manufactured, but real, which means I can try them, too!

Anyway, this is a completely pointless post, and super dorky. But if you haven't already, check out Pinterest. It's very fun and it's a way to brainstorm for yourself, and brainstorm with others. AND. You can do it in your pajamas, as I do 85% of the time. Holler.

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