Saturday, January 12, 2013


Happy 2013, everyone!

I am woefully behind on my posts, I know. I basically went on break for a month and sort of checked out of all things not pertaining to TV, traveling, and Christmas with family. It was actually pretty awesome. However, I'm now back in Chicago, ready for school to start this coming Monday, so I'm trying to get everything back to normal. Today has been a day of grocery shopping and catching up on laundry, and later I'll be working on my thesis.

Right now, though, I want to share a little bit about my plans for this year. These are not resolutions-- these are plans. If you know me personally, you know that I packed and referred to my planner while on vacation. It's who I am. By making plans for the year, I feel that I can sort of map out my moves to accomplish my goals.

This year's goals are:
1. Stay inside my budget parameters each month. Last year this was really difficult because I lacked discipline, and I also had many unexpected expenses like car repairs and x-rays that I couldn't neglect.
2. Stay under 135 pounds. This is a very comfortable weight for me and I sort of ignored my proper eating habits over the holidays. I'm already working toward that 135 mark, and my plan is to stay below it.
3. Become closer to Eric. It's been a tough 2012 for us, with job changes and separate time zones and month-long periods without seeing each other. We have remained committed and invested, but of course we have also faced challenges. I think it's already brought us closer to overcome those challenges together, and it feels great, so I'd like to find small ways to strengthen our relationship even more.

I'm excited to see how well I can stick to my goals, and I'll be updating here periodically. In the meantime, I'm going to go get my laundry out of the dryer, prep a few meals, and get a little closer to my graduation this May.

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