Friday, July 6, 2012

Climbing Trees

As a kid I loved to climb trees. There were a few specific trees that I found my way up into every time I saw them. The tree that used to stand outside my Abuelo and Abuela's house was perfect for climbing. It had narrow, low branches that were just within reach and that were perfect for setting my toes into. I used to climb up that tree while my brother or cousins climbed up the other tree on the opposite side of the driveway. We would go up high, listen as the trains rumbled through the neighborhood, and then shimmy down and keep playing whatever game we had paused.

I don't climb trees anymore, although now that I think about it I can't come up with a single good reason not to. I should probably give myself permission to access my inner child again and just climb a tree! The trees in my life these days are more metaphorical. In fact, lately I have been climbing a pretty big tree, a new tree. I'm not quite ready to talk about details just yet. This is something I'm doing for me. But I can tell you, I'm about to step out onto a branch without anything below me to catch my fall. It's terrifying, and I keep fighting the urge to walk back toward the trunk and go down a little ways. But the view from this new branch is incredible and I know that if I just walk out a little further, everything will soon become clear.

Stay tuned.

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