Thursday, October 13, 2011


I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want!
So tell me what you want, what you really really want!
I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really want!
So tell me what you want, what you really really want!
Sorry. Wrong "Spice". Although-- those women will forever hold a special place in my heart.

I recently bought and installed a spice rack! 
Now you might be thinking to yourself, "Natalie. Why on EARTH are you writing about something so mundane and boring and old-lady-like???" 

WELL. I will tell you.

My apartment is literally less than the size of a standard classroom. Maybe the same size if you count the bathroom and kitchen. But my point is this: it's freakin' small. And with this teensy space comes the issue of storage. Now, luckily for me, my apartment has closets galore. But do you know what doesn't belong in closets? Groceries. They belong in fridges, and pantries, and cabinets. Not closets. So I am left to maximize what tiny storage my kitchen provides. 

Sidenote: I am gearing up for this coming winter as if it wasY2K and I was a crazy person. I am preparing myself to NOT have to venture outside more than is necessary for class and work, etc. This means that I have systematically begun stocking up on essentials every time I've gone to the store. I have a few extra cans of veggies, some extra cereal, extra meats, etc. My plan is to stock up as much as my little kitchen can hold so that I can avoid going out to the store and turning into an ice cube on the sidewalk. 

So, this brings us back to the issue of storage: I need extra space! And what small, seemingly inconsequential, inexpensive thing could help with this? 

I'm glad you asked.

A spice rack! My spices are now sitting cozily against the wall, and the extra cabinet space is just waiting to be filled with lovely, exquisite things such as Spaghettios and tuna and green beans! This spice rack is not only another little nesting device-- it's an optimizational apparatus. Write that down, that's an official phrase. 

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. This spice rack is saving my life.